18 while (!test.check()) {
34 while (!test.check()) {
50 while (!test.check()) {
65 while (!test.check()) {
Class responsible for controlling digital outputs in the Master Teensy.
void enter_emergency_state()
ASSI LEDs blue flashing, sdc open and buzzer ringing.
void blink_led(int pin)
Blinks the LED at the given pin.
static void enter_finish_state()
ASSI blue LED on, ebs valves activated, sdc open.
void enter_driving_state()
ASSI LEDs yellow flashing, ebs valves deactivated, sdc closed.
static void enter_ready_state()
ASSI yellow LED on, ebs valves activated, sdc closed.
Our own implementation of Metro class.
constexpr int ASSI_BLUE_PIN
constexpr int ASSI_YELLOW_PIN
void test_enterDrivingState_and_turn_off_LEDS(void)
Test the enterDrivingState function PROTOCOL:
void test_enterReadyState_and_turn_off_LEDS(void)
Test the enterReadyState function PROTOCOL:
void test_enterFinishState_and_turn_off_LEDS(void)
Test the enterFinishState function PROTOCOL:
void test_enterEmergencyState_and_turn_off_LEDS(void)
Test the enterEmergency state function PROTOCOL: