Formula Student Electronics & Software
The code for the embedded software
TeensyC1 - Caixa 1 - Located inside PCBs box
TeensyC3 - Caixa 3 - Located behind DashBoard
BMS - Battery Management System - Inside TSAC
Bamocar - Inverter/Controller
APPS - Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor - Pedal Box
BL - Brake Light
All timers are made with ElapsedMillis. This library makes this easy by allowing you to create variables (objects) that automatically increase as time elapses. Documentation
Input: Brake sensor (BRAKE_SENSOR_PIN, A5)
Output: Brake Light Command (BRAKE_LIGHT, 2)
This writes the data to a .csv file inside an SD card.
Teensy 4.1 already has a slot for an SD Card.
The function write_to_file() is inside logging.cpp, it is not relevant for this part.
This microcontroller is one node of our CAN bus.
CAN bus is a broadcast type of bus.
At the beginning of the code we perform the CAN bus setup: canbusSetup()
In this setup, we enable a filter to only deal with important messages for this node. this filter has a FIFO logic (first in first out)
In this case, we only allow messages with ID 0x111, 0x666 and 0x181, which are APPS values from teensyC3, BMS and Bamocar, respectively.
When the TeensyC1 receives one message with one of the valid IDs, it calls canbusSniffer().
CAN_BAMOCAR.pdf <- Here you have all the CAN Documentation of the inverter
Receive address Rx ID = 0x201
Transmit address Tx ID = 0x181
Transmission rate NBT = 4025 (→ 500 kBaud)
BMS message has been configured by the team in the Orion BMS Software.
BMS id = 0x666
Caixa 3 also sends information to Caixa 1, the APPS value to log it.